The Hidden meaning of Ganesha, the Elephant God.


The 21st Century is a time of democracy, where generally disputes are resolved with diplomacy and intellectual strategy, unlike centuries ago when war, conflict and colonisation were the way. In this day in age, Intelligence is one of the most revered qualities sought, if not the most. That, is Ganesha.


Ganesha is one of the most popular deities of the east, there is no doubt about it. But his presence is increasing in the west similarly, where statues and paintings of him can be found in many homes, yoga schools and the like.


why is he so popular?

The simple answer; Ganesha represents intelligence. He is known as the remover of obstacles, and it is only through intelligence that we are able to recognize and remove the obstacles of our life.

Hindus and Buddhists alike, understand that deities are representations of the highest consciousness, and that it is generally easier to relate and “connect” with an aspect of consciousness when we give it a form; a personality. When connecting with Ganesha, we are trying to contact our own intelligence, by giving it form.

The 21st Century is a time of democracy, where generally disputes are resolved with diplomacy and intellectual strategy, unlike centuries ago when war, conflict and colonisation were the way. In this day in age, intelligence is one of the most revered qualities sought, if not the most. That, is Ganesha.


The symbolism behind Ganesha

Ganesha is a chubby deity with an elephant head who enjoys life, beautiful clothes, excellent food and the arts. Something very representative of our current society. But let’s take a closer look at his image.


Elephant head:

The elephant is known amongst animals for its memory and intelligence. But the most important aspect of his head, is his trunk. The trunk has no bone; it is completely flexible; and like Ganesha’s trunk we must be flexible and adaptable in life in order to flow in harmony and move around our problems and limitations. “The green reed which bends in the wind is stronger than the mighty oak which breaks in a storm – Confucius.” With his Large ears and hidden mouth, Ganesha listens more and speaks less. A common personality trait amongst the truly wise.


Single tusk:

The single tusk represents the absence of duality in spiritual aspirants, however for those who are involved in worldly activities it represents single pointedness towards an objective, complete concentration.



Ganesha holds an axe in his right arm. With the axe Ganesha cuts through our limitations, which frustrate our progress in life. This represents our fears, attachments, anxieties, doubts, etc. All those qualities and emotions which limit our growth.



The rope represents determination. We tie the rope of determination around our objective and use intelligence to attain it.  


Big belly:

The belly represents abundance. When we move through life with intelligence we gain abundance. This abundance can be financial, emotional, spiritual, etc. Depending on where and how we apply our intelligence.


 Sweet food:

Ganesha usually holds sweets in his left hand and is always offered sweets in homes and temples alike. This is a reminder that our intellect must be maintained and fed. The seat of the intellect is the brain, which is fueled by glucose.



Ganesha’s vehicle is a mouse. The vehicles of deities represent the way their energy moves. The mouse uses logic and analysis to move, and always finds a way around an obstacle without drawing attention to itself. It uses strategy rather than confrontation, that is the way of Ganesha.