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Brighten up shaded areas with caladiums

Janis Piotrowski
Guest columnist
Caladium varieties vary widely in color, with patterns of red, pink, white, or green.

When asked to name my favorite plant I often say “Caladiums,” if I’m not currently enamored of some other species at the time. Caladiums (Caladium x hortulanum) have been my most consistent number one choice throughout my gardening years.

When our mother was confined to home in her later years, my sister and I planted a large swath of caladiums around a tree in her back yard. For many months each summer she enjoyed a kaleidoscope of red, pink, white, and green. She called them her butterflies.

For long-lasting summer color and ease of care, they just can’t be beat. In our shade blessed area, I’m often surprised we don’t see more of them. They do well in hanging baskets or pots as well as in the ground and thrive in well-drained moist shady spots with filtered sun or morning sun and afternoon shade. There are varieties that will survive full sun, although they will need more water and colors are more vibrant when grown in shade.

Janis Piotrowski

Caladiums lend themselves to many design possibilities – plant just one color, or rings of graduated colors and sizes, or beds of many colors. A group of caladiums can light up a dark corner of the yard.

They make the most impact when planted in groups rather than scattered throughout the landscape. I have always loved the huge display of caladiums in front of the Old Capitol most years. It’s worth enduring downtown traffic just to drive by.

Caladiums come in various sizes, ranging from the larger fancy-leafed varieties with heart-shaped leaves, which grow to 30 inches tall, to the smaller arrow-shaped lance or strap-leaf cultivars, which are usually not taller than 12 to 18 inches, and on down to much smaller dwarf varieties.

They do not begin to emerge from their tubers (often called bulbs) until the soil is fully warm, so it is recommended they be planted around Mother’s Day. The soil should be at least 70 degrees. They will continue to provide color all through the summer to September or beyond. Planted too early, cool wet spring weather may rot the bulbs.

Carolyn Whorton caladium. Photo by Janis Piotrowski.

Plant bulbs with the puckered or pointed end up, about one to two inches deep and about eight to 10 inches apart. If the soil is compacted, mixing in peat moss, compost, or leaf litter will help make way for roots to grow. After leaves emerge, mulch well with pine straw or leaves. Water after planting and several times a week or whenever they begin to droop.

I don’t fertilize mine, but for the very best foliage, fertilize with a time release or soluble fertilizer, being careful not to get any on the leaves. If they are really happy, a bloom known as a spathe may appear, and it can be cut or not. I have noticed no difference in the life of the plant either way.

White caladiums, ivy, and coleus at Callaway Gardens.

When I first started growing caladiums, I had to plant them every year as only a few would reappear the following spring. I tried digging up and storing the tubers, but the leaves the following year were much smaller and it was a lot of work. In recent years, they have emerged in the spring just as vigorously as the previous year. I even made the mistake of planting more in the same area before the previous year’s leaves had burst forth and ended up with a real tangle.

Caladiums can be purchased from local nurseries as bulbs or plants, or online. In January of each year, the Tallahassee Garden Club sells a dozen varieties of caladiums to be delivered later in the spring, just in time for planting. Email the Tallahassee Garden Club for more information at The University of Florida also has a caladium breeding program. For more information about growing, recommended varieties, and a list of caladium breeders, see

I love all caladiums, but Carolyn Whorton has to be my favorite. Try planting some. You’ll soon have a favorite (or two or three) too.

Janis Piotrowski is a Master Gardener volunteer with the UF/IFAS Extension Leon County. She hosts blogs about gardening and sustainable living in North Florida at For gardening questions, email the extension office at