Celebrate the New Year with Creative Festivities at the Kimball Arts Center

Holidays are a time for family gatherings and cheer. Once November rolls around, it suddenly feels like every minute is spent shopping, wrapping, mailing, cooking, baking, maybe even party-planning and traveling. However, it’s all worth it in the end as it’s in celebration for those that are close to and to enjoy the incoming new year. New Years celebration is the capstone to the long holiday season. New Year’s Eve is a day of mixed feelings for many people. On one hand, it is a time to celebrate the end of the year gone by and welcome what is in store in the New Year. On the other hand, some people experience a sense of nostalgia as they reflect on the events that took place in their lives in the past 12 months.

Some people celebrate New Year’s Eve by attending midnight church services, while others gather around in public venues such as Times Square in New York City, or Trafalgar Square in London to count down for the closing seconds of the old year. Many people hold parties to bid farewell to the finishing year and to celebrate the New Year. The size of festive events for New Year’s Eve can vary in size and theme. Some people attend formal masquerade balls while others have costume parties. Some people have small parties or gatherings at their homes. Many New Year’s Eve celebrations are highlighted by firework displays.

However, there is a New Year’s Eve event that I want to highlight in this blog. The Kimball Arts center is holding an event called “Noon Year’s Eve” in which it allows for parents to celebrate the new year with their children at an appropriate time besides midnight. Kimball Arts states, “Celebrate the New Year at a kid-appropriate time with wishes for 2020, art projects, an apple cider toast, and countdown to the 12pm balloon drop. $25 per child, adults are free.” This is a fantastic way to celebrate the new year with children, while the adults celebrate the holiday at midnight. This is a great way to have everyone involved in the capstone holiday to the holiday season the as children might not make it to midnight. For more information on the event and receive registration details, visit KimballArtCenter.org

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