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Olgas planter

Masdevallia peristeria, 10 cm pot

Masdevallia peristeria, 10 cm pot

Regular price 400,00 NOK
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Masdevallia is an orchid genus of approx. 350 species that originally come from cool and humid mountain areas in South America. They are known for their unique and beautiful flowers that have a triangular shape. Considering their place of growth, Masdevallia is well suited to be grown in Norway outside in the shade when temperatures are above +10 C. Otherwise, they can be grown in an east or west facing window or under artificial light. The amount of light corresponds to that of Phalaenopsis and Paphiopedilum orchids.

Masdevallia thrives best at temperatures between +12 C (at night) and +28 C (during the day).

Regular watering is very important for these orchids which lack a water storage organ. The substrate should always be slightly moist, but not constantly wet! If you are unsure whether the plant should have water, wait 1-2 more days before watering. Their roots are thinner than Phalaenopsis, so you should pot them in a finer substrate. You can use a mixture of orchid bark, coarse mineral substrate and a little sphagnum moss at the bottom. Instead of orchid bark, you can use leca balls or coconut fiber (coco husk). Well-draining substrate means less risk of rot and better root development.

Masdevallia and other cool-growing orchids are the only orchids I would have recommended terracotta pots for. They can be grown in plastic pots with drainage holes of course, especially in plastic pots with holes. Terracotta pots provide faster water evaporation, thus less risk of root rot and keep the roots cooler and the humidity right around the plant. Growing in terracotta pots means that they never fully dry out! The pots can be placed on self-watering trays.

I have my Masdevallia on self-watering trays in the bedroom windowsill (west facing window) which is kept cooler than the rest of the house. Masdevallia likes to be watered best with rainwater or other water with little dissolved salts such as RO water, melted snow, water from streams and marshes. If they are grown in terracotta pots, on self-watering trays and watered with rainwater, the pots will quickly be covered with beautiful green moss.

Humidity is very important for Masdevallia. Ideally, it should be kept between 60% and 80%. You can achieve this with a humidifier, have the plants in a planter or terrarium or by putting them on self-watering trays or trays with water and stones.

Masdevallia does not require much nutrition, so they can be well fertilized every 3rd watering with a weak solution. If they are grown on self-watering trays, an even weaker solution can be mixed into the water reservoir. Ideally, Masdevallia should be repotted in winter or spring and preferably no later than August.

These orchids can be attacked by pests just like any other plant. Against all kinds of pests, I recommend using a solution of neem oil and green soap. This solution can be sprayed either every 3 weeks as a preventive measure or 2-3 times with 5-7 day intervals if pests are observed. This can be used on all plants without the pests developing resistance.

For more advice and tips, I recommend joining my live broadcast on Facebook Live every Sunday at 10am! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more plant enjoyment and knowledge!
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