The Value of Sincerity for Progression

What do we know by Sincerity?

Sincerity is simply the attitude of simplicity, veracity and openly being truthful or genuine. Quite the reverse of being dishonest, often to please others or just get ourselves off a hook.

Sincerity is a challenging value to abide by, in a world where it often seems rare to have such virtues rewarded, instead of the opposite.

Yet, despite the odds, if you manage to stay sincere through and through, the rewards are far more gratifying. As it gains one the trust and values of those around them.

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Is Absolute Sincerity plausible?

“Every man alone is sincere. At the entrance of a second person, hypocrisy begins. We parry and fend the approach of our fellow man by compliments, by gossip, by amusements, by affairs. We cover up our thought from him under a hundred folds.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Most philosophers attribute sincerity to either honesty or authenticity. While the modern among those have sincerity linked to the grounded values of human connectivity. Which also have been criticized for being too objective and focusing on existentialism, while largely ignoring communicative truthfulness.

All in all, sincerity put in an operating table to dissect and locate its exact meaning, may turn out too vague to have any absolute meaning. And contrasting that with the modern complexities of day-to-day life, things can even turn out pretty contradictory.

Regardless, it is necessary for anyone to remain sincere as much as possible with minimum compromises.

In Business

"When you create a product or a service, you want to offer your customer something that has been crafted with care, consideration and with authenticity. In your career you may be faced with opportunities to cut corners, but in the end sincerity is what will propel you forward."
-    Rajat Taneja, president, VISA

The objective of every business is to create customers, expand in their numbers, and ensure sustainable and growing sales. Your business's life and growth directly depend on how your customers rate you. Satisfied and happy customers are the most effective tool to promote your business, with no promotional costs. Dissatisfied and angry customers are the promoters of the worst for your business, and this promotion can destroy your business if the number of such negative perceptions increases.

To retain, maintain, and promote your customer base, "love" your customers as you love your family members. "Word of mouth" of your customers is the most trusted and powerful promotional medium for promoting your business. If you are successful to earn the confidence, trust, and happiness of your customers, you will earn everything you desire; profits, business expansions, a leading place in your industry, reputation, goodwill, and whatever you desire.

Practice sincerity and integrity together with professionalism. It sets higher standards and the expectation of reciprocity in your interactions.

(Collected from various)

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