Donut Chart explained.

Donut Chart explained.

What is a donut chart?

A donut chart is a custom chart that is not available in the Show Me option. It is a pie chart with a hole in the center. Donut charts are useful for quickly visualizing data dimensions that have a few members and together contribute as a whole.

Requirements for creating a donut chart

  • Data to connect (for this example, supermarket data is used)

  • One dimension (categorical values in the dataset or non aggregated values)

  • One measure (numerical values in the dataset are termed as measures)

 Steps to create a donut chart (in the following example i am creating region vs sales)

  1. Connect to the supermarket data.

  2. In the Columns pane, double-click and type "1" and press Enter.

  3. Right-click on the newly created field and select "Measure" > "Minimum". This will create a field called "Min(1)".

  4. Press and hold the Ctrl key and drag "Min(1)" to the Columns pane. This will create a second field called "Min(1)(2)".

  5. Make sure that the "Pie" mark type is selected for all fields in the Marks pane.

  6. Right-click on "Min(1)(2)" and select "Dual Axis".

  7. Right-click on the axis for "Min(1)(2)" and select "Synchronize Axis".

  8. In the Marks pane, select "Min(1)" and enlarge the size using the "Size" option. The size should be much larger than the size of "Min(1)(2)".

  9. In the Marks pane, select "Min(1)(2)" and set the color to white.

  10. Make sure that you are viewing the chart in "Entire View Fit" mode.

  11. Drag "Region" to the "Color" shelf of "Min(1)".

  12. Drag "Sum of Sales" and "Region" to the "Label" shelf.

  13. Drag "Sum of Sales" to the "Marks" shelf of "Min(1)(2)"

Optionally, you can format the values to percentages.


You can use different dimensions and measures to create different types of donut charts.

You can customize the appearance of the donut chart by changing the colors, fonts, and sizes of the pie slices.


I hope this is helpful. 


Manish sharma

Applied AI and Data engineer @EY | EX-NCR corp. | EX-BT


Very useful explanation Chanchal Sharma

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