No it’s not an STD! So what is Pityriasis Rosea? A quick internet search will tell you that it’s basically a type of a rash most likely caused by a viral infection, & it’s more common in WOMEN than men, usually between the ages of 10-35.

So how did my husband “give” it to me?


Well, he had shingles, also known as herpes zoster. However, he did not get it diagnosed until a week later because we both thought it was a heat rash at first. So, as it’s just us both living together, I was helping him to clean & treat it. A little backstory, I have NEVER gotten chicken pox, & I’ve been vaccinated against it. However, Pityriasis Rosea is triggered by a viral infection (i.e. hubby’s shingles).

Now, disclaimer, I am NOT a Doctor, so please seek one if you’re ever unsure of a rash that suddenly appears & does not go away or if it hurts. However, I am going to share my experience, & how I dealt with it WHILE ON VACATION. 🫠



An oval patch appeared on my left lower abdomen area & had a weird texture to it. At first, I blamed it on a de-bloating treatment I had done a few days ago & thought the settings on the machine were too high or something. I thought it was gonna be gone before my flight but boyyyyy was I wrong. 🤡


Right before I flew to the Philippines for a holiday about a week after that, I spotted a few new smaller patches appearing on my right arm & body which I thought were bed bug bites at first. #delulu #indenial 😂😭


The rash continued spreading all around the front of my body, up my neck, to my face, and then to my back. I went to the pharmacy to get some cream to help with the itching because I refused to go to the Doctor overseas. (Don’t be like me 😢).


Unfortunately, there is no cure for Pityriasis Rosea, but only ways to manage it until it goes away (took me about 8 weeks). Sunlight helped which I got a lot of at a beach holiday. And cold showers helped with the itching on top of the cream. I also didn’t think too much of what others might think, plus you’ll probably never see them again! 😂

In conclusion, if you ever encounter similar symptoms, don’t panic! Pityriasis Rosea is thankfully not infectious, but it’s always wise to visit a Doctor, regardless of whatever rash it may be, & especially if it’s not going away after about 5 days. 👩🏻‍⚕️👨🏻‍⚕️

Stay healthy, friends!

#Lemon8SG #GirlTalk #AdultingWoes #Skincare #PityriasisRosea #Skinrash #MyLemon8Diary


2023/10/19 Edited to