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Angelina Jolie teases sustainable fashion line

Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie has teased a new sustainable fashion label entitled Atelier Jolie, which will focus on deadstock waste fabric and “vintage material”.

Drapers - Angelina Jolie teases sustainable fashion line

The star of Marvel blockbuster The Eternals and Oscar-winner for Girl Interrupted hinted that her new collection would be a communal label to draw in “artisans” from across the globe.

Jolie said: “I’m starting something new today—a collective where everyone can create.

“Atelier Jolie is a place for creative people to collaborate with a skilled and diverse family of expert tailors, pattern makers and artisans from around the world.

“It stems from my appreciation and deep respect for the many tailors and makers I’ve worked with over the years, a desire to make use of the high-quality vintage material and deadstock fabric already available, and also to be part of a movement to cultivate more self-expression.”

The United Nations goodwill ambassador said that the new label would be based on purpose that would give refugees and other under-appreciated groups positions of “dignity based on skill” in its production.


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