Character Impressions: FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

Alrighty, addicts. I’ve been saying I’d do a review of FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and by golly you’re going to get one! However, I feel that such a unique series that has, at this point, officially hooked me, a regular review is not in the equation. Instead, I would like to give you my honest opinions of the most prominent characters, whether they be good or bad. Let’s drop all the reviewer pretenses, addicts, and let our opinions shine though! (And when I say “we” I mean me. My apologies in advance for any offensive statements I may make.)





Edward Elric 


Ed is hilarious. I’m a bit of a Vic Mignogna fan, but this really solidified my opinion of his voice acting. Ed has everything a good anime hero ought to have: brashness, energy, determination, and let’s not forget, that he’s a little insecure. There’s kind of a funny story about my first impression of him; when a close friend of mine was first telling me about the series, I was nodding and smiling but in my head all I was thinking was, Short? A unique arm? Main character? Is this the main character of FMA or Allen Walker?

Yes, I am probably the only fool in this world who has seen D Gray Man before FMA. Forgive me, I am not worthy of being a true anime addict.


In any case, Ed’s character captures my imagination, and his own journey with no return, to always look forward no matter what, is an inspiration to me and I hope, a few others. (Please do not burn down your house, though.)


Alphonse Elric


I must disagree with the opinions of a certain AAA host and declare that I absolutely love Al. The juxtaposition of a younger brother who is the voice of reason, not to mention an 14-year old in a 7-foot suit of armor…what’s not to love? His original voice is probably better than his dub, but overall he is incredibly heartwarming. I enjoy watching him whenever he’s up to his little-kid antics, or accidentally showing up his older brother, and especially when he takes a stand against all the evil that surrounds him and Ed. His warm tendencies towards Mei and Xiao-Mei are very cute to watch, and I love the gags when people hide inside of his armor.



Winry Rockbell


I hate Winry. I hate her slutty clothes, I hate that fact that she shows up so often because Ed is such a klutz with his automail, and I hate her voice in Japanese and the dub. Also, when I was reading the manga, her eyes are WAAAAY too close together. I don’t even think I felt bad about what happened to her parents…just…she’s not pleasant to watch. Her GRANDMA Pinako is more interesting than her!







Roy Mustang


Is it just me, or can Roy never be in enough episodes? The only thing I dislike about him is that he does a lot of the killing/defeating/hard work, which is hilarious given he tries to avoid it. Also, the fact that Riza’s always there right beside him pisses me off (okay, two things, but that last one’s not really his fault).


Don’t get me wrong, I love Riza, she’s probably my favorite female character (I also like Olivier, she’s a boatload of fun. More on the Armstrongs later), she’s pretty, has a decent character and I love how she’s taking care of Hayate, but honestly, she’d be more badass if she weren’t so whipped by Roy. Okay, I suppose I’m being a little biased here because I do happen to ship Roy x Ed, but really now! Women shouldn’t act like this, ever!


Just a general note about relationships between the heroes and heroines: do they really have to be so annoying? Unlike most of the anime, the way it handles the so-called “relationships” between not just Roy and Riza, but Ed and Winry (or Al and Winry for that matter, or even Mei and Al) is incredibly cliche and not an  entertaining aspect. At all. I really don’t enjoy watching anybody “in love” in the series except…




Jean Havoc


Probably one of the few comic-relief characters, but Havoc isn’t completely exempt from the drama. As such, he serves as a happy medium between the serious and filler episodes. I like the fact that he’s kind of a pervert, because it makes for plenty of hilarious gags throughout. Personally, I prefer his dubbed voice, it sounds a little more personable.



Ling Yao


Another great character. I like his duality, as it really comes into play later…*nudge nudge* For some reason, the Xing characters are more impressive to me. Kimblee’s another awesome fellow. I love his suit.

In any case, back to Ling. I like how he learns a valuable lesson, and his goofy demeanor and offhanded insults towards Ed are really fun to watch. Big fan of the “eat tons of food, put it on Ed’s tab” scheme. I’ll have to try it myself sometime.


Well, addicts, I think I’ve kept you waiting for a blog from me long enough, so I’ll stop right here, but expect more later on this week! Ja ne!!~