

Dracula deltoidea – 365 days of orchids – day 1486

This spectacular orchid is Dracula deltoidea. Draculas are a close relatives of Masdevallias, and a genus in which many species produce a fantastic show of flowers. Dracula deltoidea is entering its main flowering period and has smaller flowers than most of our other Dracula species, but makes up for this in the number of flowers a plant produces. As you can see the flowers are produced downwards around and through the basket so that the best possible view is from directly underneath (below).

The species is native to Ecuador and is found at elevations of 2600-3000metres so we keep it in Cool America. Like many druculas the leaves of this species get damaged if it gets too hot. We try to grow it very cool, wet and shady hanging below other orchid baskets which increases both the shade and water the plant receives. Do check out our growing tips in more detail for all of our plants in our orchid culture tab, or for draculas, growing cool orchids from the Americas for more help on the culture of these fantastic plants.

Look out for plants of Dracula deltoidea for sale later this year.


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