Sjana Elise Earp


Ever had a feeling that a place was home, even though you’ve never been there? As if you’ve lived there before, in another lifetime? As if your feet had walked the sands, your body had met the oceans and you’d already tickled every leaf with your...

Ever had a feeling that a place was home, even though you’ve never been there? As if you’ve lived there before, in another lifetime? As if your feet had walked the sands, your body had met the oceans and you’d already tickled every leaf with your fingertips? As if the energy of the Mother Land was the same as that which lived in your own limbs? Your veins were alike the roots of the trees? You were one, and whole and unified? As if you had never felt so at home within your own skin and bones?
#writtenbysjana (at Kauai)

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  4. slimgirlsfingering said: Yum! 😋 💦💦💦
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    Sjana elise has my UGW body🤩🤩🤩
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