Sjana Elise Earp


Mood 🙌🏻
I’ve had a couple of weeks off yoga. I needed time to heal. My emotions were too raw and intense, every time I thought about getting on my mat I lost all energy and motivation. Sometimes i’d even get dressed for yoga, then i’d just sit down...

Mood 🙌🏻
I’ve had a couple of weeks off yoga. I needed time to heal. My emotions were too raw and intense, every time I thought about getting on my mat I lost all energy and motivation. Sometimes i’d even get dressed for yoga, then i’d just sit down on my bed and not move again until morning. Other times I would get in the car and make it all the way there, but couldn’t bring myself to step outside the car. Because I knew that as soon as I stood on my mat, I would snap. I’d be forced to confront my vulnerabilities and my pain, and I didn’t want to break down. Not again.
Tonight, I made it back in to class, and through an entire class without melting in to myself. And it felt amazing to be able to move again. Sure, a little wobbly and a stiff, but I’m so glad I forced myself to go. It made me feel something more than regret. It reminded me why I love the practice of yoga so much and just how easily it can transform ones mentality and outlook. I think I needed that time of solitude and reflection though. My soul was in pain and nurturing it, resting it and giving it time to heal was certainly essential.
Self care comes in so many different shapes and sizes… yoga being my usual “go-to” and rest and recovery being a new and warmly welcomed friend.
Speaking of Self Care… myself, @mikiash and @alyssalynch have something very special in the works for you… stay tuned! 🤗
Outfit by @aloyoga

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