Mare Nostrum - BartBear_[PL]

We still will be playing our Mare Nostrum events, but time goes by and at the horizon there is a real inheritor - Desert Rats. As MN for Red Orchestra; DR is mod (WIP) for Rising Storm 2: Vietnam, so check the video's descripion links and be up to date with the progress.
May 14, 2021
Mare Nostrum - BartBear_[PL]
Apr 16, 2021
Mare Nostrum - BartBear_[PL]
Mar 19, 2021
Mare Nostrum - BartBear_[PL]
Feb 28, 2021
Mare Nostrum - BartBear_[PL]
As RO: Ostfront 41-45 is a Father to Mare Nostrum the same is Red Orchestra 3.3 Mod (for UT2004) for Ostfront, so... meet the Grandfather of Mare Nostrum.

Yes we will be playing this mod (made about 2004) for Unreal Tournament 2k4 at our FightNights by the schedule:

FightNights schedule (Fridays 20:00 CET)

- Red Orchestra 3.3 Mod for UT2004
- Siebenbürgen (Revenge of the Turul + Carpathian Crosses) + few crossover maps
- Mare Nostrum
- Savv’s Pick – Forgotten Maps

So if you want to join us you need UT2004 copy (any sale platform will do) and then to install the mod.

Join our Discord:

if the event is attended enough we will add some more maps

Click the image below for YouTube video

If you have never seen it here is a video (made 10 years ago) when we played with Devs form Tripwire:

Jan 27, 2021
Mare Nostrum - BartBear_[PL]
Mare Nostrum - BartBear_[PL]
Mare Nostrum - BartBear_[PL]
Mare Nostrum - BartBear_[PL]
Mare Nostrum - BartBear_[PL]