Dtps. Purple Martin ‘Champion’

A favorite of the Petite Orchid Collection. This is a dark purple-blue Phalaenopsis hybrid with branching spikes carrying pretty 1″ (2.5 cm) flowers. It is a cross from a violet Doritis pulcherrima parent with a cerulean blue Phalaenopsis violacea. A compact plant producing more spikes as it matures (do not cut green spikes) it is a great summer  bloomer and good for under lights. Light floral fragrance.
(Dtps. Kenneth Schubert ‘ FANGtastic Violet’ HCC/AOS x Phal. violacea var. coerulea)

5 comments on “Dtps. Purple Martin ‘Champion’”

  1. Can I have this? Lol. 😉

    This is very pretty and it seems to me that it must be in high demand. You don’t see a lot of “blue” Phals. Now I want one.

    What’s your advice on getting more blooms on a spike?

    • I’ve got one for sale on ebay this week. It’s a keiki (baby) of my mother plant.
      Let me know if you’re interested. I’ll send you a link.

      • Oh gosh sorry I haven’t been on here this summer and am just now seeing this (really need to set up e-mail alerts). Is the plant still available, or as I assume has it sold?

        Thanks either way! Let me know if you get another. 😉

  2. I have had mine for 10 years and is my favorite orchid

    • Hi, I finally saw your comment about Dtps. Purple Martin ‘Champion’, thank you.
      Unfortunately, mine was given away by mistake and I’ve been looking for the exact same plant to replace it with. If you still have it, would you consider selling a keiki or a division? I know it is a shot in the dark but please let me know if that is possible. Thank you.

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