Mass update on what’s been blooming over the past few months

Life keeps getting in the way of me posting regular updates and it resulted in having a long list of posts to write blocking me from posting anything new. Well, it happens, I’ll just post all bloom photos in one post and add maybe a couple more on semi hydro and other stuff that’s been happening with my orchids.

They’ve generally been doing well, I’ve been generally doing well by not adding any more to my collection (except for some raffle winnings and an occasional plant or two here and there). I’ve watered them all today, I usually split the watering in two: upstairs and downstairs, but I didn’t water any yesterday as I got tired from a Spring repotting session. They all look good, some better than others, there’s some flowers, some spikes and some new growths. I’m happy with how they’re getting on.

In flower: Dendrobium Stardust ‘Firebird’

I’ve posted a few photos of the offspring of this plant, it put on a good show, though the pseudobulbs didn’t grow as tall as the previous year’s ones. I think maybe I need to water it more often or repot it into a more water retaining medium.

Dendrobium Stardust ‘Firebird’

Flowering: Dendrobium Stardust ‘Firebird‘

So my pretty Den that I got last year in bloom, promptly after flowering decided it was a good idea to grow some keikis. Well here’s one of them:

Isn’t he just amazing? The mother plant is currently growing buds. I’ve kept the keikis in the house thinking they won’t be blooming as they’re too young, clearly I was wrong about that. I have however moved the original plant to my cool (or really cold in winter) conservatory, because winter rest and such. I’m starting to think that it wasn’t necessary and what really matters is the temperature difference. A few of other Dens that I decided to put in the cold didn’t bloom or are growing some buds, but not many. Den Stardust ‘Firebird’ however looks like it’s going to have a decent amount of blooms, just like it’s keikis.

I think next winter all the plants are staying at home. They still get a temp difference as it drops in winter to around 10C even sometimes, and around 12-15C most nights, during daytime it’s around 18-20C. Which I’m hoping will be enough for all the Dens to rebloom, as the ones that stayed in the house did.

More SH

My plan was to wait for four months to see how the two plants I transferred into semi-hydro fare. A few of my plants are in need of repotting though (old medium) and they’ve got new growths so it would be a perfect opportunity to convert them into SH. But do I want to risk it? I’m itching to transfer my whole collection (or most of it) into semi-hydro. So clean. So quick to water. I suppose it won’t hurt too much if a few more will join the experiment. For most I’d have to wait anyway for some new growths (will that Paphiopedilum ever start to grow anything?!). For now I’ve had two more keikis to pot up and they went into semi hydro. Dendrobium Berry Oda and Dendrobium Firebird (yup more of that one and still more on the mother plant).

My Oncidium NoID opened up:

Miltonia Sunset with all 5 blooms open:

And my Phal I got from work:

New growths, new buds, new adventures

No flower photos, keiki and bud photos instead 😊

Pleurothallis restrepioides keikis are doing great so far (I potted two together as they’re tiny anyway). Both seem to be growing new leaves!

Hard to tell whether Dendrobium Firebird keikis are doing okay, but they’re not shrivelling up so I take it as a good sign. I’ve got at least 3 more still attached to the parent plant, I’m waiting for the roots to grow a little bit longer before I pot them on their own.

And the promised buds on my NoID Oncidium. Can’t wait for it to finally open!

P.S. Tonight’s the night! I’m going to repot one of my orchids into semi-hydro. Thanks go to Monika for the encouragement to try this out. I’m excited! A post to follow soon 😄

Edit: actually some flower photos. Got this orchid (or rather orchids as I was sent two instead of one) for work. It’s Dendrobium Thailand Black. I think now I want to collect all the different varieties of the Dendrobium Sa-nook orchids 😊


I got these a couple of weeks ago because well I guess because I’m addicted now and needed another fix. Also these Dendrobiums are really showy and have super cool names: Stardust ‘Firebird’, Blue Happiness and Polar Fire.

Dendrobium Stardust Firebird Dendrobium Stardust Firebird Dendrobium Stardust Firebird Dendrobium Blue Happiness Dendrobium Blue Happiness Dendrobium Polar FireDendrobium Polar FireDendrobium Polar Fire