Orchidworks Express

Jul. 4, 2015 [update]: The Spathoglottis plicata var. alba plants are tucked at a corner of our deck that is usually out of our line of sight when we’re out there. We were so pleasantly surprised to see it’s been blooming happily.

Spathoglottis plicata var. alba

May 29, 2015: The Orchidworks Tantalizing Tuesdays email this week had some interesting plants available so we sent in our order to our little orchid buying group Tuesday evening itself. We never expected the plants to arrive so quickly!

Phal. David Lim
Phal. David Lim (Phal. amboinensis f. flavida x gigantea)

Phal. David Lim internet picture(picture from Internet) We are still hoping to get a Phal. gigantea someday but in the meantime, we’ll settle for this beautiful primary hybrid of it.

Phal. violacea v. red x self
Phal. violacea v. red x self

Phal. violacea var. coerulea 'Bredren's Blue Boy' x Phal. violacea 'Bredren's Magenta'This is a picture of one of our Phal. violaceas. There doesn’t seem to be such a thing as “v. red” but that’s what was on the plant tag so we’ll go with it.

Spathoglottis plicata var. alba
Spathoglottis plicata var. alba

Spathoglottis plicata var. albaOrchidworks had a deal for 5 of these plants for $25. When we checked to see what these plants were (the name didn’t ring a bell) I got so excited to see that they’re the terrestrial orchids that grew everywhere back home in the Philippines!

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