May MOS meeting (Cattleya season!)

Nov. 9, 2015 [update]: The C. Molly Tyler is in bloom and it’s spectacular! One inflorescence with 8 flowers and another with 5.

C. Molly Tyler

C. Molly Tyler

C. Molly Tyler

C. Molly Tyler

Jul. 31, 2015 [update]: The Bl. Memoria Bernice Foster flowers fully open are so beautiful.

Bl. Memoria Bernice Foster

Jul. 25, 2015 [update]: The Bl. Memoria Bernice Foster is beginning to bloom!

Bl. Memoria Bernice Foster

June 5, 2015 [update]: The other NoID Oncidium is blooming!

NoID Oncidium

NoID Oncidium

May 16, 2015: We looked forward to attending the May meeting of the Michigan Orchid Society primarily because we were picking up a plant from Gyorgy. We ended up taking home a lot more than that.

Bl. Memoria Bernice Foster
Bl. Memoria Bernice Foster

Bl. Memoria Bernice FosterThis was the picture of the flowers that was sent to our orchid buying group when these plants were being offered up for sale. It was a no-brainer for us to jump on.

The scheduled speaker for this month’s meeting was Windswept In Time’s Edgar Stehli. Topic: Bulbophyllums. Of course there were some Bulbos for sale. We kinda regretted doing our shopping at the vendor table before the presentation since the plants that we did not recognize turned out to be ones we ended up wanting. C’est la vie.

Bulbo. masdevalliaceum
Bulbo. masdevalliaceum

Bulbo. masdevalliaceum internet picture(picture from Internet) This is the Bulbophyllum species whose flowers look like Masdies. I picked up a division of this plant since it’s probably the closest we could get to growing a happy Masdevallia.

Bulb. medusae 'Windswept's Whimsical Hair' CCM/AOS
Bulb. medusae ‘Windswept’s Whimsical Hair’ CCM/AOS

Bulb. medusaeWe love the medusae we got from Taylor Orchids before (from this post) so we took the opportunity to pick up a division of Windswept’s awarded plant.

The raffle table at this meeting was overflowing and lady luck was on our side since we picked up a veritable jungle. We got a lot of Cattleya alliance plants to start a whole new section in our collection.

Ch. Jewel Box 'Dark Waters'
Ch. Jewel Box ‘Dark Waters’

Slc. Jewel Box 'Dark Waters' internet picture(picture from Internet) The tag says Ch. but a quick online search says it’s Slc. No matter what it’s called nowadays, still a beautiful compact plant.

Rhyncholaeliocattleya Mount Athena
Rhyncholaeliocattleya Mount Athena (Bc. Mount Hood x C. Athena Chagaris)

Rhyncholaeliocattleya Mount Athena internet picture(picture from Internet) A search for pictures of Mount Athena resulted in a pink cattleya flower and this white one. The tag that came with the plant had the word “white” inscribed on it so we’re thinking this white picture might be what this plant will produce.

Slc. Final Touch 'Mendenhall'
Slc. Final Touch ‘Mendenhall’

Slc. Final Touch 'Mendenhall' internet picture(picture from Internet) Pretty pink flowers on this one.

Blc. Meditation 'Kings Ransom'Blc. Meditation ‘Kings Ransom’

Blc. Meditation 'Kings Ransom' internet picture(picture from Internet) Yet another white cattleya…

Blc. Rosebud 'NN'
Blc. Rosebud ‘NN’

Blc. Rosebud internet picture(picture from Internet) Another pink cattleya…

C. Molly Tyler
C. Molly Tyler

Blc. Molly Tyler internet picture(picture from Internet) …and another pink cattleya…

Lc. Novissima
Lc. Novissima (L. anceps v. veitchiana x C. gaskelliana)

Lc. Novissima internet picture(picture from Internet) This one is slightly more interesting since it’s not white or pink!

Den. aggregatum
Den. aggregatum

Den. aggregatumYes, it was not all Cattleya alliance plants. We picked up this plant since the pseudobulbs look quite different from the other Den. aggregatums we’ve seen.

Den. Mary Preccha x Fairy Flake
Den. Mary Preccha x Fairy Flake

Nobile type Dendrobium internet picture(picture from Internet) I couldn’t find any pictures of this specific hybrid so this is just a placeholder picture until we actually bloom this thing.

Paph. Astarte
Paph. Astarte

Paph. Astarte internet picture(picture from Internet) This was the ONE Paph plant on the raffle table this month. Interesting how one month they are plentiful, the next month they’re hardly around.

P. Everspring King x P. Bright Peacock x P. Picotee
P. Everspring King x P. Bright Peacock x P. Picotee. I won’t even attempt to find a picture of what the flowers for this hybrid might look like.

We also picked up 3 NoID plants in the mix:

NoIDNo idea even what the genus of this plant is. We’ll just have to try to bloom it and find out!

NoID Oncidium
NoID Oncidium

NoID OncidiumThese are the flowers on this plant

NoID OncidiumThis NoID Oncidium plant has an inflorescence with a bunch of buds so we’ll see if the flowers on this is similar to the other one.


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