Plants from Kalapana Tropicals, finally!

Jul. 3, 2014 [update]: The Miltonia flowers are in full bloom! Beautiful!

Milt. Maui Mist 'Golden Gate' Milt. Maui Mist ‘Golden Gate’

Milt. Hajime Ono 'Maui Splash'
Milt. Hajime Ono ‘Maui Splash’

Jun. 26, 2014 [update]: The Miltonia buds have begun to open!

Milt. Maui Mist 'Golden Gate'
Milt. Maui Mist ‘Golden Gate’

Milt. Hajime Ono 'Maui Splash'
Milt. Hajime Ono ‘Maui Splash’

Jun. 22, 2014 [update]: The Cym. Golden Elf is beginning to bloom. It’s amazing how yellow the flowers are.

Cym. Golden Elf Cym. Golden Elf

Jun. 12, 2014: Ever since we stumbled upon the Kalapana Tropicals website, we’ve been curious about their plants. We were finally able to get some that arrived yesterday! The plants look great and we’re already looking forward to order more plants from them.

Cym. Golden ElfCym. Golden Elf. First up is this cool miniature Cymbidium. We continue to amass Cymbidium plants to provide shade for our Pleurothallid Alliance plants.

Cym. Golden Elf internet picture(picture from Internet) The flowers of this plant is very simple pretty.

Milt. Hajime Ono 'Maui Splash'
Milt. Hajime Ono ‘Maui Splash’. Browsing thru the Kalapana Tropicals website, it’s hard not to appreciate their Miltonias.

Milt. Hajime Ono 'Maui Splash' internet picture(picture from Internet) This one was an early favorite for us because of the awesome mask on it.

Milt. Maui Mist 'Golden Gate'
Milt. Maui Mist ‘Golden Gate’

Milt. Maui Mist 'Golden Gate' internet picture(picture from Internet) Pretty pink flowers on this one.

Masd. Tangerine Dragon
Masd. Tangerine Dragon. We’ve had several opportunities to buy this hybrid elsewhere but have always went for other options. Great time as any to pick it up from Kalapana.

Masd. Tangerine Dragon internet picture(picture from Internet) Orange trumpet flowers!

Masd. Memoria Aaron Jackson
Masd. Memoria Aaron Jackson. We ordered this hybrid since we have never seen it available anywhere else before. The plant came with a leaf growing out the bottom of the pot and an absolutely amazing-looking flower.

Masd. Memoria Aaron Jackson flowerThe flower is stiff and fleshy; deep purple with yellow at the tips of the caudae

Masd. Memoria Aaron Jackson

Masd. Memoria Aaron Jackson


Orchid count: #255-259

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