By: Hemamalini

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Inspiration refers to the way we want to do something that was learned from someone. That may be good or bad but it is called an inspiration. Some get inspiration from a scientist, a politician, or a freedom fighter, and some may also find inspiration from their parents but I got my inspiration from movies and dramas.

You may think it’s weird how can one find inspiration from movies and dramas. To be precise not from the real characters but from fictional characters. A director portrays a character in a perfect way that the protagonist has all the qualities that a perfect man should have. All the characters in a drama are so hard working and achieve what they want. They won’t waste their time on the internet and they also work hard to earn scholarships. They were always engaged in studies and they did part-time jobs to earn their pocket money. these things they did inspire me a lot. 

Many young people are wasting their time by watching movies and dramas but some people like me find inspiration from those fictional characters. I think this is one of the ways we utilize our sources to inspire ourselves. I think it’s about time to know how I inspire myself from these dramas. One day when I was watching a drama I realized that I was watching someone who was working hard to achieve their goal while I was simply lying on the bed and wanting him to be successful. Then I realized that instead of wasting my time on this I could concentrate on my studies and wish myself to be successful. This woke me up from the trauma of watching dramas when lots of pending work is in progress. Then I woke up my mind and started my work. The inspiration may be from a drama but it has a huge impact on my career.

My second inspiration is my mom and dad. You may think it is very common for people to have inspiration from their parents. But we rarely get the same inspiration from both of them. And that common inspiration is education. They want to give what they didn’t have but wanted to. Their story is quite the same but happened in different places when they got a chance to study they rejected it and when they wanted to study they didn’t get support.

So they wanted me to go for a higher study even though my whole family was against to it. My father trusts us more than anyone in my family and my mother always gives me mental support to balance the tensions and emotions. She always motivates me by telling me that this is not the end you’ll have another chance just go search for it. They always give me their experience as an inspiration to me.

My third inspiration is a mysterious one. I said that mysterious because I don’t know where I got that from but it has a huge impact on me. That was to become a Chef. I don’t why but maybe it is because of the appreciation that I have from the people who tasted it. I enjoyed it whenever I saw joy in their face when they were eating my dishes. Their appreciation inspired me and I put lots of effort in it to make it perfect. It made me love food. I started enjoying food in a different way from others. I started to find art in food. The way one converts raw materials into a beautiful dish it looks like if food has life it’ll appreciate itself for its taste.

Finally, I’m gonna tell you about how I ended up here. It’s like any day in my school and suddenly someone came and announced about essay writing competition. I actually wanted to join it but something stopped me maybe that was the fear that had in me to open up to raise my hand. After that scene, I searched for essays on the internet and I found this helpful. It’s like one wants a chance to prove themselves. They need inspiration. 

By: Hemamalini

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