Posted by: lostty | September 12, 2008

Damekko Doubutsu ~Review~

Sorry for the recent absence in posts, I was going to write this review up yesterday, but I was honestly so piled high with homework. Not to mention, I was basically running on lack of sleep and I now have a cold… Though, the weekend has started, which gives me plenty of opportunity to sleep in and I definitely plan on taking that to my advantage. So, this week I got around to watching the series Damekko Doubutsu, which basically translates to “useless animals”. The series is 26 episodes long and every episode is roughly only five minutes long. The story starts off with an useless wolf named Uruno, who is looking for a home where he can feel accepted. Through his search, he finds a forest filled with useless animals just like him. After this day, he meets many new friends and enjoys each day to its fullest. He also begins to understand that even if he is useless, he can still accepted and needed.

I decided to make this review short simply because there isn’t really that much to say about it, it wasn’t a bad series, but it wasn’t exactly anything amazing either. With only five minutes in each episode, there isn’t much room for character development or story development on that note. Nonetheless, it was a very entertaining and I was able to finish it in a mere two days. The series is on the comedic side and as much as it isn’t that funny, I’ve caught myself laughing out loud once or twice. Aside from its simple story, the series relies more on its characters, which are distinct with separate personalities. Technically, all these “animals”, appear just to be humans in costumes, but I as much as that seems weird, I think it sort of adds on to the fact that they’re useless animals. I also really like the opening, no real reason behind that, except that the song is actually kind of catchy. As a pointless addition, my favourite characters are Usahara and Peganosuke. One is a rabbit who is hot-tempered and smokes, while the other is like Pegasus (I guess?) who is very shy.  My least favoroute character is Chiiko, who is depicted as the love interested of the story for Uruno, but basically she’s just stupid and klutzy cheetah.

As much as there isn’t much to say about this series, I don’t think it should be completed avoided. It may be stupid, with bad animation, but it still has an entertainment value, which is really what’s important. You can never go wrong with pointless humour! So, if you’re looking for a way to kill a couple of hours, look no further than Damekko Doubutsu!


  1. […] Go to the author’s original blog: Damekko Doubutsu ~Review~ […]

  2. hehe Thank you for posting this – I finally know the source of that cute wolf dance lol I checked out a few episodes and it seems like a fun show 🙂

  3. @Kitsune: Glad I could help 😀
    Actually, I always wondered about that little wolf dance myself. It really was the first thing I noticed when I watched the beginning of the series. I don’t know why, but it intrigued me so much X)

  4. Ha! I loved this one. It’s heaps of fun. I love when Uruno and Peganosuke have their depressing conversations. The introduction of the unicorn guy was hilare as well.

  5. @u11241897135181: Those scenes were indeed both good and very amusing! I loved how they were wondering why a Unicorn would be in forest X)

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