I used to have few Sarcochillus orchids before but they succumbed to scale infestation and all of them died. This morning I saw them being sold at Collectors Corner, and the temptation was just hard to resist. I ended up with one Sarcochilus Heidi ‘Delightful’. The 2 spikes are erect with white colour blooms. The flowers are the biggest compared with the others. I like the spikes that are growing straight and tall above the foliage.

The listed growing requirements:

  • Location: To grow Sarco orchids will need cool and airy shaded areas around 60 % – 70% with high humidity. It is common to place Sarcochilus under tables or benches. Never expose the plants to direct sunlight. Keep them in shadier place during summer months.
  • Temperature: The ideal is between 8 deg.C to 28 deg.C. In the summer when the Melbourne temperature can soar well above 30 deg.C, keep the plant in darker place and water down the surrounding area to make the air more humid. When the winter temperature is well under 8 deg.C, keep the plant under cover or if it is outside, the plant can be covered with plastic sheet. Never expose the plant to frost.
  • Potting media: consist of orchid barks or coco bark. A  little bit of river pebbles or styrofoam pieces can be added into the barks.
  • Watering: As Sarco orchids have no Pseudobulb, they will not be able to store water. Watering should be done regularly to keep roots moist. Reduce to about once a week during winter time. Rain water is more suitable to use. Do not let the leaf crown wet and keep flowers dry.
  • Fertilizer: During summer and autumn apply weak mix of liquid fertilizer such Aquasol, Fish Emulsion or Seaweed Extract once a week with exception, once a month use water only to flush the fertilizer residue (once a week for three weeks apply weak fertilizer and only water on the fourth week). Apply less often fertilizer in springDO NOT apply fertilizer at all during winter time.
  • Propagating: Sarcochilus will form a large clump that can be divided over time.
  • It can grow mounted on a shady tree trunk, on rockeries or just in ordinary pots. The proprietor of the orchid farm said that Sarco orchids will grow many long aerial roots. In older plant, the aerial roots can creep and cling on the wall, on rocks or on tree trunk. If grown in pots, when the clump is bigger, wide squat pot is better to use.
  • Keep an eye for pests, especially scales and mealy bugs.

Update October 21, 2019:

Another one, noid and the colour is so pretty dark red edged in white. The flower size is much smaller and only few flowers on each stem.