Mapping the mind with photos

CompUSA closed all of their New Jersey stores. The retailer has been struggling to compete with other big-box electronic retailers such as Best Buy and Circuit City. I am not sad to see CompUSA close. In my opinion, their customer services stink, and they have (had) one of the worst return policies. Good riddance.

sale poster
CompUSA going out of business | Monday 2 January 2006 | Sunplus Spca533 | 9.68 mm | f/2.8 | ISO 100

The local store in West Windsor had a blowout "going out of business" sale, so we dropped in to sack the place for bargains. Sadly we did not find much, but I was able to get some 1GB memory cards for 70% off and an off-brand digital camera for the kids. The camera is 6.1 megapixel with flash, timer, and a 1 inch LCD. Not bad for $50.

I handed the camera to the kids and let them "play" with it. They seem to really enjoy photography, but their photographic styles are quite different. Shaan's appears to be composing his shots; thinking about the subject and trying to capture expression or mood or the event.

Frisbee | Sunday 1 January, 2006 | Sunplus Spca533 | 9.68 mm | f/2.8 | ISO 100
Tejus Govanni
Tejus | Sunday 1 January, 2006 | Sunplus Spca533 | 9.68 mm | f/2.8 | ISO 100

In the first of his two shots, Shaan has Tejus head off to the upper left of the shot. I know he is not intentionally going for artistic effect, but he has managed to capture the scale and location by including the house in the background while the Frisbee is a reflection of the sun. Nice.

smiley face saloon
Smiley face baloon | Friday 6 January, 2006 | Sunplus Spca533 | 9.68 mm | f/2.8 | ISO 100

Kiran seems to shoot what she likes. She loves faces especially smiley faces. In these two shots, she points the camera directly at the subject, brings the subject front and centre and shoots. Still, these photos are pretty good for an off-brand $50 going out of sale camera.

Shaan Williams
Shaan | Monday 2 January, 2006 | Sunplus Spca533 | 9.68 mm | f/2.8 | ISO 100

Author: Khürt Williams

a human, an application security architect, avid photographer, nature lover, and formula 1 fan who drinks beer.