Oerstedella centradenia

Oerstedella centradenia
Oerstedella centradenia
Oerstedella centradenia

Oerstedella centradenia

T: 14-18°C

synonym Epidendrum centropetalum

This orchid from Central America (also known as the Panama orchid) impresses with its filigree growth and bright flowers. It should be cultivated as tied as possible.

Care Tips:

Bright, slightly shaded in summer. In summer, if possible, also in the garden.

In the summer in the house 18 - 25°C during the day, at night 15°C. In the winter around 12 - 15°C throughout.

Water moderately during growth, keep drier during winter dormancy without allowing plants to shrivel.

During the growth phase from March to October every 14 days with orchid fertilizer
Do not fertilize in the dark period (November - February).

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