Phalaenopsis Stuartiana Sogo

Phalaenopsis Orchid

5.9" pot
pot-drainage No drainage
🎂 Jul 29th

Phalaenopsis Stuartiana Sogo should be watered every 10 days and was last watered on Sunday Jul 24th.

#PhalaenopsisOrchid Discussion

Does this app tell me what’s wrong with my plants. My orchid is unhappy

If you accidentally hit your or if, I know the flowers wilt but can you revive them or should I cut them off? It could be the fact that it’s almost 3 month old but idk.

Still here. Even with the limp leaves and no signs of getting better Orchard is show some color.

Orchid Advice #HappyPlants

Just wanted to share something i've discovered and can confirm works- I've had this moth orchid for over 4 years, and it stopped blooming after 2, the flowers just dropped and never reappeared. Then i noticed the leaves becoming really really sad, like they were soft, droopy and just very wrinkly. (Obviously i had been forgetting to water it too often...) I was mourning over whether i should give up on it or try and fight for it- and im happy i choose the later. I came across a video on, instagram i think, where the lady also had a orchid who just stopped blooming and what she first cut off the steams where the blooms had fallen off from and what she then did was literally taking a vase, filling it with water before setting the orchid inside it to continue its life in a bath. And suprise suprise it bounced back and bloomed!! Of course i tried this and yes it worked wonders! My orchids leaves have returned plump and shiny, along with beautiful new flowers.

1,2 or 3? I was asked to rescue this orchid, but it appears to have 3 areas. I've never seen this before and want to provide the best results because it's not mine. Help, please!

Small update here from my Orchid experiment. Both of them are quite happy in their new glass homes and multiple roots are growing longer. I had to prune one root because it got infested with mold, but the rest are quite fine, except for some that got a bit under the wheels during transfer to the glasses. I keep them in ~2-3cm water for about 1.5 to 2 weeks and then let them dry for 3 days or so.

My plants stem has turned red… any tips?

I noticed my orchid has a not quite mushy split yellow and green leaf at the bottom. Just watered yesterday. I repotted her last week. Placed her in an orchid pot I set inside a deeper ceramic pot (only one I had). There’s about 2.5 inches of space between the bottom of the orchid pot and the ceramic pot. I’m new at this. Help!

Can I save this orchid??