Frailea Grahliana

Frailea is a genus of globular to short cylindrical cacti native to South America. Frailea grahliana is a common tiny and heavily clumping species that in cultivation can easily fill a 15 cm pot. It grows quickly. This specie is known from a very long time and is generally included within (as a synonym of) Frailea schilinzkyana.
Dull-green stem, brownish-green to dark purple-green, top-shaped, depressed-globose, 3-4 cm in diameter and clumping around the base. About 13 to 15 ribs, low and indistinct. Radial spines: 8 to 11 yellowish, subulate, flattened on the surface, appressed and curved backward, 3-5 mm long.

Flowers: Pale to bright yellow, up to 4 cm long. Fraileas are cleistogamous meaning that their flowers produce seed without even opening. Without the need for pollination, hence the buds rarely reach full bloom and remain closed. They will open only in great heat in the hottest, brightest, afternoon sun, if at all.

Fruits are 6 mm in diameter, dry indehiscent with scales and bristles that detach easily, pericarp membranous, fragile that break easily releasing the seed. This species sets fruits without opening the flowers (cleistogamy).

These plants need a minimum temperature of 5-10° C (but occasionally temperatures of a few degrees below 0° are not dangerous). It enjoys full sun, and it can take on a near black appearance when kept in bright light. In a shaded position the plants grow faster, but are not flat shaped and dark coloured.

Quantaty: 10

See also