Olympus E-510: Shutter Count

The Olympus E-510 was my first DSLR, bought 18 March 2008. It came with 10 MP, IS, and two kit lenses: 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6 and 40-150mm f/4-5.6. I still own it but rarely use it. John Foster, in “How to Read the Hidden Information: All E & E-M System Cameras” (Biofos, updated 12/15/17), explains how to get the shutter count. Here’s a version revised for the E-510:

1. With a working and charged battery installed, switch the camera ON.
2. Open the card door.
3. You will see the warning CARD COVER OPEN on your screen.
4. Press MENU & OK buttons together.
5. You will see the Camera Model.
6. Press the following buttons in sequence:

  • ARROW PAD up, down, left, right
  • shutter button
  • UP button on the arrow pad

7. You will see page 1 displayed.
8. Press RIGHT arrow key for page 2.
9. The SHUTTER COUNT is the first number — preceded by “R” — in the list on page 2
10. To revert to normal operation, simply close the card door.

My shutter count as of 4/22/18 is  2319. The pages have a wealth of other info, so be sure to log in and read John’s article, which is based on meticulous, ongoing research and effort over many years. His service increases the intrinsic value of the E-510, which is still an excellent camera.

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