JBL Permanent CO2 Plus PH Test Kit

This test kit will be used to test the CO2 level in the aquarium.  Reading on some of the other forums, some people claim that this is snake oil!  However we will give this product a fair go since we bought this at a discounted price.


Setting this up is quite simple.  I pasted one of the small CO2 indicator label on the clear plastic piece.

Next the syringe was used to extract 15 ML of water from the tank and injected into the clear plastic piece.  Some people claim that this step is incorrect and the correct method is to mix water with bi-carb.  I will find this out soon enough if the product instructions are incorrect.

I then added four drops of the solution that came in the little bottle.  This solution is Bromothymol Blue, which is a pH Indicator.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bromothymol_blue

Finally, assemble the black plastic onto the clear plastic and slowly turn the item around while making sure that no liquid comes out from the opening slit in the black plastic.  This opening is required for CO2 gas to enter the chamber.

The item is then attached to the tank wall, submerging it approximately 10 CM from the water surface.  The colour of the liquid is then compared to the colour chart label to determine if sufficient CO2 level is in the aquarium.

JBL C02 Test

How is this different from using a pH test solution from a normal freshwater aquarium test kit?  I’ve got no idea but I will be looking into this.

Next Steps: I will be researching on the correlation between KH and CO2 level…

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