Jumellea comorensis

Image taken by Latara Edwards


Jumellea comorensis (Rcb.f.) Schltr. 1915 is a member of the subtribe Angraecinae.  It is an epiphytic (a plant that grows on another plant but is not parasitic on it) monopodial (main stem of plant that gives rise to lateral branches) orchid that is native to the Comoro Islands 200 miles off the East coast of Africa.  They are found in very wet forests on trees with rough bark at elevations of 500 meters.  In winter, J. comorensis produce star-shaped fragrant white flowers that are 1.5 – 4 inches in length with long nectaries.  They can flower when they are about 5″ tall, can reach heights of 12 inches in length, and prefer medium light.  J. comorensis has branched, linear-ligulate, dark green leaves.  The leaves are stiff, fleshy, and at an angle to the stem.  Optimal temperature ranges are between 68 and 80°F during the day and no lower than 50 to 60°F at night.







3 thoughts on “Jumellea comorensis

  1. Please review assignment directions and the sample post (Ceratocentron fesselii) to verify that your posts meets the basic critieria for this assignments.

    Below is a list of specific items that should be addressed.

    Post title: use html coding so that species name appears in italics (see assignment directions)

    Body: This post contains the basics but could benefit from some more research. Please try to flesh out the post with additional interesting content. For example, what are the distinguishing features of the genus Jumellea?

    Imagery: The pics of the extraction specimen could be better: closer, better focus. If you are limited as to obtaining a better picture, let me know.

    • This post shows considerable improvement. Some new suggestions are minor but do reflect the required details of the assignment: The caption under the plant used for DNA extraction should clearly state that. The other pic is properly captioned but I would prefer an image that showed an entire flower (close-up is beautiful but important characteristics are not visible).

  2. This is a nice post. Everything was described well with clear pictures of the plant and its flower. I do suggest, however, that it would look nicer if the words you defined didn’t include the defintion in the paragraph. A small vocabulary section at the end would look excellent. Otherwise this is excellent!

Please provide feedback, suggestions, or comments