5 comments on “Phalaenopsis tetrapsis (Rchb.f. 1868)

  1. Nice work! Authority, native locale, etc.

    Now for the suggestions:

    1) Excellent pic of the flowers but the extraction specimen pic could be clearer/larger and needs a caption.
    2) Monopodial growth is a characteristic of 3 of the 4 subtribes of the Vandeae, including the Aeridinae. It’s good information to have but needs to be given a more appropriate context.
    3) When you describe the mature plants are you indicating height or width? Phalaenopsis don’t tend to be “tall.”
    4) Try to eliminate the double spacing of the synonyms and source links (also create hyperlinks for these links).
    5) Given where they grow, was there any mention of salt tolerance? Many orchids are very somewhat picky about water quality… salt tolerance is likely pretty rare.
    6) unclick “Uncategorized” in the category list

  2. I like the way the post is constructed so that the pictures divide the text up into near segments preventing the wall of text syndrome. The only issue I see is that one picture divides a sentence in half effectively. Rather than spiting the sentence it would look better to start a from a fresh one after the image.

  3. Love the colors of the first pic. Much more colorful than most of the pics I found of my species, Micropera pallida.

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