Maximum size : 3.5 cm

Black-winged Hatchetfish - Carnegiella marthae Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Black-winged Hatchetfish (Carnegiella marthae) represents a unique and captivating species within the aquarium hobby. Native to the freshwater habitats of South America, this species is renowned for its distinctive body shape and exceptional ability to glide above the water's surface, thanks to its wing-like pectoral fins. These Hatchetfish are a fascinating addition to the community aquarium for experienced aquarists seeking to nurture this delicate species.

Black-winged Hatchetfish are an inherently shy, schooling species that naturally form large aggregations. Consequently, it is essential to maintain them in groups of six or more, with a preference for ten or more, to foster a sense of security and encourage their natural behaviours. Selecting tankmates requires careful consideration; only small, non-aggressive species should be considered to prevent the Hatchetfish from feeling threatened. Suitable companions may include diminutive, peaceful tetras, pencilfish, Corydoras Catfish, and dwarf Cichlids such as Apistogramma or Mikrogeophagus, as well as certain smaller species of Plecostomus.

The aquarium environment for Black-winged Hatchetfish should be biologically established and efficiently filtered, with an emphasis on maintaining minimal water turbulence. It is crucial to provide soft, acidic water conditions, which can be facilitated by incorporating peat into the filtration system. To foster a sense of security among these fish, the aquarium should feature dark-themed decorations, ample bogwood, caves, and various plants, including floating species. 

Given the species' propensity for jumping, a secure aquarium with tightly fitting lids is essential to prevent escapes. Additionally, it is vital to ensure that there are no gaps around equipment entry points that could serve as potential escape routes. Diligent monitoring of water quality is imperative, as Black-winged Hatchetfish demonstrate heightened sensitivity to increased nitrate levels and fluctuations in water chemistry.

The Black-winged Hatchetfish is characterized by a convex body shape featuring a pronounced ventral profile with the anal fin positioned towards the rear. These Hatchetfish are distinguished by their pectoral fins, which resemble wings and can extend to half the body length. Typically, the hatchetfish displays a silver hue adorned with black patches and stripes. However, the perceived colouration can fluctuate based on the lighting angle. A distinctive, typically gold, horizontal stripe runs from the gill cover to the base of the tail.

Black-winged Hatchetfish Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between male and female Black-winged Hatchetfish poses a challenge; however, mature females can often be identified by a marginally more robust physique, particularly when gravid with eggs.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameCarnegiella marthae
Year Described1927
Other NamesBlackwing Hatchetfish
OriginsColombia , Venezuela
Max Size3.5 cm
Aquarium LevelTop
DifficultyIntermediate - Advanced
Best kept asGroups 6+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 7 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 4.0 - 7.0
GH 2 - 12
TDS 18 - 179
Ideal Temperature
68 - 82
20 - 28

Natural Habitat

The Black-winged Hatchetfish is indigenous to the Orinoco River and the Rio Negro, which are significant tributaries of the Amazon River, spanning across Colombia and Venezuela in South America. This species thrives in tropical blackwater ecosystems characterized by dense canopies of overhanging vegetation, an abundance of submerged branches, roots, and extensive leaf litter. These environments provide the necessary conditions for their survival, offering both shelter and feeding opportunities.


The Black-winged Hatchetfish has yet to be successfully bred within domestic aquarium settings. In their natural habitat, these fish undertake upstream migrations during the rainy season to spawn within the inundated forest areas, subsequently returning to the tributaries of rivers as water levels diminish. This reproductive behaviour presents an intriguing challenge and offers a promising opportunity for dedicated aquarists interested in advancing their breeding expertise with a potentially rewarding project.

Diet & Feeding

The dietary regimen of the Black-winged Hatchetfish encompasses a variety of foods, reflecting their omnivorous nature. In the wild, these fish predominantly feed on small insects and aquatic invertebrates, a behaviour that can be replicated in the aquarium setting to ensure their nutritional needs are met. 

A balanced diet for these Hatchetfish should include a mix of high-quality dry foods, such as flakes and micro pellets designed for small, surface-feeding fish, as well as live and frozen foods like daphnia, brine shrimp, and mosquito larvae. Offering a diverse array of food sources not only caters to their dietary requirements but also encourages natural foraging behaviours, contributing to their overall health and well-being. 

Aquarists must ensure that food particles are small enough for the Hatchetfish to consume, as their upturned mouths are adapted for capturing prey at the water's surface.

Other Hatchetfish

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