Sketching Flowers – 21. Phalaenopsis orchid

I’ve got many messages from you to continue the series started in June, therefore, among other topics, every month we will study at least one flower: morphology to better understand the structure of the flower and a drawing using the classical method. I imagine that this series will at some point turn into a book …

In today’s video I will show you how draw the front view of the Phalaenopsis orchid flower.

The side view show a startling resemblance with a butterfly, hence the name of butterfly or moth orchid (gr. phalaina means moth, opsis suffix means “like”).

The flower consists of 3 sepals (one dorsal, two lateral) and 3 petals. The lower petal, called lip or labellum, is modified in order to attract insects and offer them a landing platform. It is colourful, usually with guiding marks toward the center of the flower, it has three lobes, a middle platform and it ends with two hook-like appendages that curve back towards the center of the bloom.

back view of the flower
TIP – draw several times the component parts of the flower, separately, as shown in this picture, paying attention to their shapes.

At the centre of the flower there is a short cylindrical projection called the column, that contains…. [Read more]

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