Monday, August 18, 2008

Adenium Bonsai Seedlings : How to organize the roots from PVC pipe

Hi Adenium-Bonsai Lovers;

Today I would like to share another technique about the root organization. This is good to do with brown root or older seedlings. Most of young seedling root is white. The seedling cut the primary root and grown in media mixed from Coconut Powder, Rice Husks and Sand will give root become brown faster. Brown root is stronger than white root which make this is easier for us to organize than doing with white root. Unfortunately, brown root is hard and always spring back to original not in our organized position.

From this reason, we solved this problem by using PVC techniques. Here are the steps:
1. Cut the 1-inch diameter PVC pipe with 1.5 cm height.

2. Prepare the plastic bag and put the media inside it about ¾ heights.

3. Make the media float in the center and slope like “Mountain”

4. Put the PVC cover on this mountain area

5. Plant the stick in the center of PVC pipe and make it higher than plastic bag’s border

6. Put down the seedling in the center of pipe and lean with the stick. Use the rope tie her up with stick.

7. Now it’s time for organizing the roots as your imagination. Next, make the roots spread around her caudex and lean her across with the pipe. The end of roots should be made with slope and point down to media.

8. Now it’s time for Toothpick’s Power.. ha ha ha.. Use the toothpicks to settle roots down as your decided positions. It will be great to make roots spread out of caudex in circular shape.

9. Covering the roots up with same media again. Push the media around plastic border and make sure it‘s tight enough and watering. That’s all.

These two techniques will be the guide to apply with the root organization to make normal Adenium to Bonsai seedlings. I believe you will get the nice root base and raise the quality of Adenium form up. I recommend to use these techniques with Adenium: Thai Socotranum or Arabicum: Lop Bu Ri.
The another technique is not related with root organization like these, is nature thing. You have gotta know which hybrid can perform nice root base and which one can give nice multi-branch or bush form. Then you cross them together and grow their seedlings. This would take time, but it’s worth to wait. That’s why I really have fun with Adenium’s growing.

More idea, please watch the VDO from youtube :
"VDO : Adenium-Bonsai Collections from Contest'08"

"VDO Clip of Adenium ContestAyutthaya, Thailand on Apr 2008Focusing on Bonsai Class"

Friday, July 11, 2008

New Arabicum 2008 : Siam White Pearl

Hi Arabicum Lovers;

Today I would like to introduce you new Arabicum hybrid. I gave her a name as "Siam White Pearl". She is originally come from Petch Na Wang (PNW). I have another last generation of Black Arabicum well known as "Black Pearl" come from PNW as well.
The most interesting in this hybrid is that can provide Multi-Branch seedlings ' form and nice branch internodes great for making Adenium-Bonsai seedling. Multi-branch form now is more popular than Muscular from for this time.

Siam White Pearl - The First Original Mother Plant, aged 7 yrs.

Leaves fold up, soft green and clear backbone

White Pearl - Flower with yellow inside and white sparkle in the throat

Let's talk about her characters: 1. Caudex : Caudex skin color is almost like cream color, clean and no button. Branch internodes is very clear and more distant. 2. Flowers: Bigger than normal PNW especially with big yellow throat and surrounded with inside white star, pink petal, and fresh pink border. 3. Leaves : Leaves are thicker, more hairy, fold up, special notice with nice white backbone leaves. 4. Roots : Nice root base almost the same with Yal Lop Bu Ri.

White Pearl Seedling with clear branch internodes

White Pearl Seedling with white caudex and branch skin

White Pearl Seedlings can also perform waterfall caudex skin

White Pearl Seedling with mulit-branch style

The exciting thing is not only hybrid's characters but only with making new mixed hybrid style following with Bonsai Seedling Class. I like to use this hybrid to cross with Thai Soco because she can perform multi-branch style even not perfect as RCN but skin caudex color is more attractive.

Here is seedling comes up with mixed hybrid crossed between White Pearl and Thai Socotranum : Golden Crown. Some of them have hairy leaves and I select the shiny ones to maintain the form. The another simple technique to make root growing faster, spread, and bigger caudex base is to cover the root with media, put the organic fertilizer around the pot border, and keep lifting up the caudex every month.

Finally, I really hope you guys will enjoy growing Adeniums. I think there are also much more hidden things with Adeniums for me to explore and I really want you to do so.

Take care and enjoy growing Adeniums.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Treasures of Siam Adenium

Our RCN Mother Plant won the best Arabicum
of the year of 2007 at Suan Liang Contest

This is the Best Selling Thai Flower Magazine publish our Nursery, hybrid, characters, contest form, mother plants' introduction, tips & techniques and market trends. On the Right Corner Photo is another magazine mostly shown many popular adenium hybrids especially winning contest form. Our Mother Plants are published as Original Hybrids here. From this magazine, you will know more about Adenium Hybrids or Characters. If you are Adenium Lover with Form, you should not miss it. Unfortunately, it was written in Thai but I think many photos in this can tell.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

How to Organize the roots to make Bonsai Seedlings (Part I)

Hi Adenium-Bonsai Lovers;

Last time, I talked about how to create more roots. This time I would like to continue talking about the next step. There are 2 ways I use for organizing the roots. Mostly roots are white because they are from baby seedlings. 1. Orgainizing the root on the rounded clay2. Organizing the root in the PVC pipe
Mr. Piya (Arabicum: Lop Bu Ri's hybrid owner) and I,
with my "Golden Crown", 3 times of 1st winning award
This is new technique for seedling' cuttings (primary roots) and have more secondary root come out. These cuttings should be grown at least 2-3 months. After that pulling them out from media and see how many roots you've got. If this's not enough, you cut the rootsagain. For me, 6-7 roots are fine. The selected seedlings will also be separated in 2 groups.

1. Secondary roots are not enough as you want. You can take them to cut the roots again. (Following with the last steps again)

2. Enough roots as you wish, then start the next step with root's organization.

Now I will start talking how to organize the roots. White secondary root is very sensitive whicheasy to break or tear. You must be careful and pay much more attention otherwise roots might be ripped and then they will get rotten. We must open root wide with 45 degree around the caudex. We always face the problem with ripped root when we start doing this. Here is the tips...

Normally when we remove the seedlings from media, seedlings will be wrinkle because they are too young. We need to dip them in the water first but their roots still binding. If you swipe their roots, they might be ripped as well. The technique is to organize or swipe their root in the water. Here below are steps:

1. Make the clay with half-round and use the toothpick line around it equal to the amount of roots as your imagine what root model you like them to be with equal angles. (Fig no.1)

2. Put that rounded clay in the water with half of it. Put the seedling on the top of it and use the cord to tie up this seedling caudex with toothpick. (Fig no.2)

3. Use the toothpick to make lines on top of rounded clay through half of it and order the roots following with the lines you make before. (Fig no.3)

4. After that, lift this up from the water, put it in the pot and cover all again with the loose media. Make sure seedling is straight up with tootpick, not bend. That's all.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

How to make Adenium-Bonsai from Arabicum and Thai Socotranum seedlings? Part III

Hi Adenium Lovers;

Last time, I shared my idea about "How to make Arabicum-Bonsai from seedlings Part 2". Now I would like to continue the part 3. From this process, the baby seedlings will produce more and more secondary roots replaced with primary root. There will be 7-8 fibrous roots . If you are not satisfy with amount of fibrous roots, you can cut the -

Our Arabicum-Bonsai compared with Original Bonsai.
secondary branch again near to stem base.(Please see the photo below). According to 2nd root cutting, there are 3 ways (more secondary roots, same amount of secondary roots, or die.
I know you do not want your seedlings to be dead including myself because we are all adenium lovers. Mostly they die from fungi infection after cutting their roots. If you make sure that you give them fungicide chemical and diluted root hormone after cutting and putting them in media again so you will be fine.

Please do not put any fertilizer for this time. After that making holes and put these cut-root seedlings in this media. Put them in the shade (60% slant) about 2 weeks. When these seedlings recover and get more healthy, you can take them to outdoor with full sunlight. Now you can put the fertilizer and watering as usual. After 2-3 months, you can select the good seedling form to prepare with the next step"Root Organization or Order". I will share this idea later in part 4. Take care.

Our new mixed hybrid crossed between Thai Soco:
Golden Crown and Arabicum: RCN can organize
with Bonsai Class.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Thai Socotranum | Ride for Adeniums

Today I would like to show you more Thai Socotranum characters and varieties via VDO Clip. The easy thing to select or notice them is to check the middle main stem and side branchesaround it. The best Thai Socotranum in my opinion is "Golden Crown". Below is many forms of Golden Crown, mostly different on rootbase styles. I also added some of RCN Air-Layering from my original Mother Plant. Players here like to collect this to maintain as bonzai. Now Bonzai is very popular including Adenium with Bonzai style. Please enjoy...

The 1st Winning Award of Thai Socotranum Contest, Ayutthaya, Dec 07. This is Thai Socotranum Golden Crown, age 3 yrs, 14" caudex

Thai Socotranum: Golden Crown with Banyan Tree Root style. This is rare form and nice to collect. She is 4 yrs, 16" caudex.

Thai Socotranum: Golden Crown with crab crawl style. This is also hard to find this form. Nice form with shallow pot. She is 3.5 yrs, 17" caudex

Original Mother Plants for Hybrid Lovers...

Hi Adenium Lovers;

Today I would like to share my original mother plant collection which I use them to develop new hybrids and maintain their seedling' stability. New Arabicum trend now is followed with Multi-Branch style because this style can be maintained as "Bonsai" Class. Muscular form is dropping because they are harder to control the form or lose form especially side and top branches when they are over one year.

We do not like to dose baby seedlings with higher fertilizer to make seedlings -

grow and getting chubby faster. This seem like Fat seedling but weak. My concept is to let baby seedling grow naturally with natural organic fertilizer, vitamin and nutrients. Be patient, you will see the difference. Your plants will get not only stronger but also better form and nice fresh juicy caudex skin. Seedling grown from fertilizer dosing, caudex skin will be rough and dark brown spot around caudex when age is over one year.

Let get back to new trend Arabicum 2008 with multi-branch style. You do not need to worry with lose branch form much because you can prune or trim the lengthy branches. The great multi-branch style should come from mixed hybrid with RCN lead. The magic thing of RCN when you cut the branch, more cut more new coming branch. Here is sample, cutting one branch will make 2 new branches putting out, cutting 2 branches will make 4 branches coming out. This is like Bacteria growing or it means "The more you cut, the more you got new coming branches. If you keep doing this you can have busy branch at the top caudex area.

The next thing to do is how to make larger or wider rootbase flat. This is also another concern with Bonsai class. I will discuss this next time. Please feel free to ask me anytime via my email. Have fun with Adeniums.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

How to make Adenium-Bonsai from seedlings? Part II

From last article, I have already introduced you about Arabicum Bonsai. This time I would like to start discussing about “How to make Arabicum Bonsai from seeds”. Here below are steps:
Our Best Thai Socotranum-Bonsai form with great multi-branch
form and perfect root base.

1. Seed Sowing: The Bonsai basic that you need to know is how to create the branch and root. These are 2 main things that you should focus in.

For Branch, you need to know what kind of Arabicum seed hybrids that can perform the Bonsai characters. From my experiences, I like to select hybrid come from Ra Chi Nee Pan Dok (RCN), mixed RCN hybrid, or RCN mixed with Thai Socotranum (especially with Thai Socotranum: Golden Crown or GC. Golden Crown is the most popular of Thai Socotranum with the best branch styles and nice root base.

Why so I use RCN as hybrid leader to make Bonsai? The reason is that RCN can give tiny & multi-branches and more branch internodes or joints. RCN itself cannot give root base well as Bonsai trend so this root base must come from root creation yourself following with Bonsai Methodology. This is why I focus on RCN as hybrid lead and seed harvested from Mother Plant can give more multi-branches than F1, F2, and F3… etc.

For root, you need to create or make yourself based on Bonsai knowledge. You will see how to create root below. From my experiences, not all of seedlings can give grade “A” seedlings. You can get Grade A seedling depending on amount of your growing seedlings. When you harvest seeds, you should put them in the shade and make sure they are dry, not get any moisture.
Seed sowing following with Bonsai style is different from normal seed growing. We need to select the baby seedlings have perfect and healthy forms to do this. For media, I used Sand, Coconut powder and rice husk powder mixed together in order to easier pull baby seedlings up from this media to do the root creation for next step.

2. Root Creation: This is the next step after selecting baby seedling come from seed hybrids can perform multi-branches style. Naturally, taproot (middle main root) will start coming out from seedlings first and go down to the media which help stem get straight up to retrieve the sun light. After that seedlings will create the branch roots periodically also help stem hold with media when getting larger and better absorbs water and food from media.
For Bonsai, this is totally different. The great thing for Bonsai making is focused on how to change from single main root to become with branch roots instead. You have to make at least 7-8 branch roots around the caudex in horizontal level mostly start working with seedlings come up with 2-3 young leaves.

New trend 2008 of Arabicum-Thai Socotranum, we like to focus
more on multi-branches, not muscular form, with many
shorten branch internodes, tiny branches, short caudex and
spread root base.

Monday, February 25, 2008

How to make Arabicum-Bonsai from Seeds? (PART 1)

Hi Arabicum Fans;

Most Arabicum growers are pretty worried about how they could start growing Arabicums like bonsai form from seeds.This way could take time but we will be prouder of making this ourselves. You can save time by getting ready Arabicums as bonsai form and maintain them later but this will be expensive way. TodayI would like to share the idea how to create Arabicum followed with Bonsai class. It’s not similar to 100% Bonsai form just look like.

Our Arabicum: RCN X Thai Socotranum : Golden Crown Collection

Arabicum-Bonsai grown from seedsThis way is appropriate with the beginner because they will notice how the plant developing from baby to young seedlings and Giant size. You also understand the arabicum nature, natural growing and the arabicum methodologies. I guarantee this will be more fun.

Unfortunately, growing Arabicum following with Bonsai development takes longer time, you must be patient and mentally calm. This could help growers know how to plan growing and maintaining the Arabicums each step based on what the plant form should be on that time. You also have to know what tools or equipments you need to use for each step. You can also use bonsai experiences with Air-Layering and rootstock to apply with Arabicum-Bonsai seedling growing.

The Arabicum hybrids we can mostly use for Bonsai sowing are Arabicum: Ra Chi Nee Pan Dok and mixed hybrid but need to have RCN as leader like RCN X Petch Na Wang, RCN X Lop Bu Ri (LBR). For this time, I do the handed cross pollination between RCN and Thai Socotranum: Golden Crown (GC) by using RCN as pollen. As we knew, GC is the best Thai Socotranum hybrid with nice root base and paralleled branch form.
Here below are the Arabicum-Bonsai processes:
1. Seed sowing focused on hybrid usuage2. How to create root around bottom caudex3. How to organize the root with bonsai discipline (angle technique)4. How to raise the caudex size as we need5. How to maintain shape or form as Bonsai class

I will talk about these things later. You can share the idea to me via my email.
Thanks a lot and have fun with Arabicum growing.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Suan Luang, The Biggest Adenium Contest in Thailand 2007

Hi Adenium Lovers;

Today I would like to present the "Suan Luang" 2007 Adenium Contest (The Biggest Adenium Contest in Thailand dedicated to our Majesty King Phumibol). Suan Luang Rama IX Park , a new and sizable metropolitan public park, was born out of the aspirations and fervent desire
of a group of His Majesty the King'loyal subjects to create and dedicate a park as a token of homage and honour to His Majesty on the occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday Anniversary in the year B.C. 2530 (A.D.1987), with the fullest co-operation of the Bangkok Metropolitan Authority. There are 3 main contest classes categorized by hybrids (Obesum, Arabicum and Thai Socotranum) and plant height (30cms, 50 cms and over 50 cms or Giant

The Grand Champion and the 1st and winning
award at Suan Luang contest with our RCN Mother plant.

Size). There is only one biggest award
"The Best Show award" means the Grand Champion plant selected and judged from each of 1st ranking from each contest class.
There are over 100 Adenium plants to join this contest.

We won the Grand Champion (The Best Show) with our Arabicum : Ra Chi Nee Pan Dok (RCN) or "Queen of Thousand Flowers" aged 35 years and also won the 1st winning award of RCN contest class.

The 1st Winning Award of Thai Socotranum with
30 height contest class, we use Golden Crown to join this contest

Here, only RCN is seperated from other
Adenium Arabicum Contest Class. The most exciting contest class is Adenium Arabicum contest with 25 cm height because many adenium players can bring them easily and not long maintaining. We also got the 1st and 2nd winning award with Thai Socotranum 30 cm height contest class. We took the best of Thai Socotranum : Golden Crown to join this contest.

Our Golden Crown has been maintained since baby seedling harvested from NSD Nursery (The owner of Thai Socotranum : Golden Crown and great partner) and for 3 years.

They also have the over 50 cm height-Thai Socotranum contest class. We took our Petch Ban Na (PBN) mother plant to join and won the 3rd winning award. She is 15 years old. We have trained her for 5 years especially with her roots like "Anacondra".

The 2nd Winning Award of Thai Socotranum
with 30 cm hieght Contest class

For the Arabicum with over 50 cm height class, we won the 2nd and 3rd winning award. We took the Arabicum: Petch Na Wang (PNW) and Petch Muang Kong (PMK) motherplants to join this contest. Both of them are over 15 years.

For the Arabicum with over 50 cm height class, we won the 2nd and 3rd winning award. We took the Arabicum: Petch Na Wang (PNW) and Petch Muang Kong (PMK) motherplants to join this contest. Both of them are over 15 years.

This is the most honour reward to usDon't worry if you did not come to this contest because I made the VDO for you to watch, please enjoy and hope you to visit 2008 Suan Luang Contest. Take care... Adenium Lovers